
The markdown component does exactly what you expect it to do. It'll generate any markdown you pass into HTML. Furthermore, it can handle Github Flavored Markdown and generate anchor tags for titles.

FYI: every page in these docs is generated with this component.


The markdown component requires you to install the CommonMark library:

composer require league/commonmark:^1.4

Basic Usage

In its most basic usage, you use it to render some Markdown:

# Hello World

Blade UI components are **awesome**.

Or pass in the above Markdown as a string variable:

<x-markdown>{!! $markdown !!}</x-markdown>

This will output the following HTML:

    <h1>Hello World</h1>

    <p>Blade UI components are <strong>awesome</strong>.</p>

Github Flavored Markdown

Github Flavored Markdown can be enabled by passing the github boolean attribute:

<x-markdown flavor="github">
Blade UI components are ~~cool~~, **awesome**.

This will output the following HTML:

    <p>Blade UI components are <del>cool</del>, <strong>awesome</strong>.</p>

Passing Options

You can also pass options to Commonmark with the options attribute. This requires you to pass a PHP array with scalar values. Below is an example where we disable underscores:

    :options="['use_underscore' => false]"
>{!! $markdown !!}</x-markdown>

For a full reference of all options, please consult the Commonmark documentation.


One neat feature of the markdown component is that you can generate anchor links for your title tags. Take the following code snippet for example:

<x-markdown anchors>
# Hello World

Blade UI components are *awesome*.

## Foo Title

Some content.

### Baz Title

Other content.

This will output the following HTML:

    <h1>Hello World</h1>

    <p>Blade UI components are <em>awesome</em>.</p>

    <p><a class="anchor" name="foo-title"></a></p>
    <h2>Foo Title </h2>

    <p>Some content.</p>

    <p><a class="anchor" name="baz-title"></a></p>
    <h3>Baz Title</h3>

    <p>Other content.</p>

As you can see all h elements from levels 2 until 6 will get anchor tags. We don't generate one for the first level since there's usually only one h1 on a page's content.

This feature can be used together with the toc component which generates the "on this page" navigation on for these docs.

On this page

© 2024 Dries Vints. Site built with the TALL Stack. Artwork by Caneco.