The toc
component can generate a table of contents based on Markdown input. The "on this page" navigation for these docs are generated with this component based on the headers from the current page.
The toc
component requires you to install the CommonMark library:
composer require league/commonmark:^1.4
In its most basic usage, you use it to render an unordered list:
# Hello World
Blade UI components are **awesome**.
## Sub Title level 2
Some content.
### Sub Sub Title level 3
#### Sub Sub Title level 4
Some content.
## Other Sub Title level 2
Some content.
Or pass in the above Markdown as a string variable:
<x-toc>{!! $markdown !!}</x-toc>
This will output the following HTML:
<a href="#sub-title-level-2">
Sub Title level 2
<a href="#sub-sub-title-level-3">
Sub Sub Title level 3
<a href="#other-sub-title-level-2">
Other Sub Title level 2
As you can see we generate a table of contents for level 2 & 3 headers. This component can be combined with the anchors
feature from the markdown
© 2025 Dries Vints. Site built with the TALL Stack. Artwork by Caneco.